Part 7-Closing arguments

We think Bruno deserves a spot in the syllabus in the future due to his importance in the history of western philosophy, especially in the period of the Renaissance. His work and life really echoed “the spirit of the times” as it was at once the product and shaper of connections between religion, philosophy, and… Continue reading Part 7-Closing arguments

Compare and Contrast

Both Bruno and Spinoza had challenged the traditional lens of science and the natural world in their own ways. These two philosophers, however, being of different times, were not mutually affiliated with each other. This meant that both were similar with regards to their arguments against the established philosophies espoused by the prevailing traditional religious… Continue reading Compare and Contrast

Key Philosophical Points

    Bruno was perhaps the most avant-garde of the thinkers of the renaissance, making it difficult to categorize him as part of such when his contributions were far ahead of even the thinkers of the Scientific Revolution. Beginning with the beliefs in celestial bodies, Bruno had rejected the notions of Aristotelian astronomy and was himself… Continue reading Key Philosophical Points


Giordano Bruno was a philosopher during the Renaissance era who advanced the field significantly beyond the expanse of traditional thinking through his more controversial understanding of Christianity and his Hermetic Occultism. Initially raised by religious scholars, and himself becoming an ordained priest of the Dominican Order, Bruno was later deemed a heretic for his controversial… Continue reading Biography


Primary Sources Bruno, G., & Fiorentino, F. (1961). Opera latine conscripta. (Vol. 1-3). Stuttgart, Germany: F. Frommann. Bruno, G., & Leinkauf, T. (2007). Werke: Mit der kritischen Edition von Giovanni Aquilecchia (Vol. 1-7). Hamburg, Germany: F. Meiner. Bruno, G., Aquilecchia, G., Ordine, N., Berggren, L., Mansueto, D., & Sorrenti, Z. (2002). Opere italiane (Vol. 1-2).… Continue reading Bibliography

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